
We are a technology company that focuses on heavy equipment development and innovation.
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Some products in toho

1. 2D Single - GNSS Guidance System

2. 3D Dual - GNSS Guidance System

3. Base Station

Toho base station is used to provide RTK correction messages to Rover GNSS receiver, to achieve centimeter level accuracy of the positioning and navigation system. Rover position can achieve accuracy down to 14 mm (1.4 cm). The Toho Base Station GNSS RTK base station supports all major GNSS constellations and frequencies, providing centimeter-level accuracy in even the most challenging environments. The station is also lightweight and portable, making it easy to transport and set up.

There are two versions of Toho Base Station, Toho-MAX and Toho-lite

Toho - Lite BS
Toho-lite BS is intended for small operation area, typically below 1.5 km radius and where movement of base station will be frequent. Toho-lite BS is designed for easy dismantle & assembly by 1 person.

Toho - MAX BS
Toho-MAX is intended for wide area operation up to 3km, where movement of base station is not frequent.

4. Base Station

Toho base station is used to provide RTK correction messages to Rover GNSS receiver, to achieve centimeter level accuracy of the positioning and navigation system. Rover position can achieve accuracy down to 14 mm (1.4 cm). The Toho Base Station GNSS RTK base station supports all major GNSS constellations and frequencies, providing centimeter-level accuracy in even the most challenging environments. The station is also lightweight and portable, making it easy to transport and set up.

There are two versions of Toho Base Station, Toho-MAX and Toho-lite

Toho - Lite BS
Toho-lite BS is intended for small operation area, typically below 1.5 km radius and where movement of base station will be frequent. Toho-lite BS is designed for easy dismantle & assembly by 1 person.

Toho - MAX BS
Toho-MAX is intended for wide area operation up to 3km, where movement of base station is not frequent.

5. Inertial Measurement Unit Sensors

An inertial measurement unit (IMU) is an electronic device that measures and reports a body's specific force, angular rate, and sometimes the orientation of the body, using a combination of accelerometers, gyroscopes, and sometimes magnetometers.

When the magnetometer is included, IMUs are referred to as IMMUs. IMUs are typically used to maneuver modern vehicles including motorcycles, missiles, aircraft (an attitude and heading reference system), including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), among many others, and spacecraft, including satellites and landers.

Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) is a key technology in precision agriculture that can be used to guide excavators. IMUs are devices that measure the motion of an object, such as an excavator. They can be used to track the excavator's position, orientation, and velocity. This information can be used to guide the excavator along a precise path, even in difficult terrain.

6. Power Protector

How transient power protectors work:
Transient power protectors (also known as surge protectors) are devices that are designed to protect electronic components from transient voltage spikes. They work by clamping the voltage to a safe level. Transient power protectors are typically installed in the excavator's power distribution system. They can also be installed in individual electronic components, such as control boards and sensors. How to choose a transient power protector for an excavator.